Tynewater Primary School is a thriving 3-12 setting which strives to support children to achieve and exceed their full potential.  We have high aspirations for our learners and encourage them to have high aspirations for themselves too.

As a school community we agreed our vision would be Thriving Together at Tynewater and that our shared values of Be Kind, Stay Safe, Show Respect and Love Learning should encompass all that we do.  As a result of this, our pupils, staff and stakeholders are encouraged to show these values in their interactions, in their learning and in their relationships. We are a Silver Awarded Rights’ Respecting School and recognize that all rights inevitably involve individual and collective responsibilities and actions.

As a school community we agreed our vision would be Thriving Together at Tynewater and that our shared values of Be Kind, Stay Safe, Show Respect and Love Learning should encompass all that we do.  As a result of this, our pupils, staff and stakeholders are encouraged to show these values in their interactions, in their learning and in their relationships. We are a Silver Awarded Rights’ Respecting School and recognize that all rights inevitably involve individual and collective responsibilities and actions.

Within their learning, our young people use Learning Qualities to achieve their potential (Concentration, Ambition, Creativity, Teamwork and Resilience).  Our Learner Qualities are based on the work of educational writer Shirley Clarke and Guy Claxton and ensure that our pupils continue to show a Growth Mindset, even when they are finding things challenging.  We encourage our children to be resilient, care for their environment, feel responsible for the leadership of our school and to have a voice.

Our building offers an excellent environment for learning – bright, spacious class areas, small tutorial rooms, a large games hall, separate dining hall and school grounds with a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA). Our building is open to the community beyond the school day.

At Tynewater Primary & ELC, we pride ourselves in having excellent working relationships with our parents and local community.  We continue to develop partnerships in order to work alongside local partners and businesses to give our young people an understanding of the world they live in and to give ‘real life’ contexts to their learning.

Mrs Louise Mitrakas